Hey Mosaic!
I am so excited for our "21 Days of Prayer and Fasting" to kick off tomorrow! I would like to encourage everyone at Mosaic to set a time each day that you will set aside as a time to pray. Do it at the same time each day over these next 21 days to help yourself be consistent in your prayer time. For me, I am going to commit to pray each morning at 6:30 AM (even though I am NOT a morning person!). I am also encouraging everyone to pray and consider what God might ask you to fast from (give up) for these 21 days. Pastor Nate is fasting from social media. I am fasting from some certain foods over the next 21 days. For those of us that are followers of Jesus, we have been called to pray (Colossians 4:2, Ephesians 6:18)! Over and over again, we read in the Bible about Jesus praying to his Father in Heaven. Just as he communicated with his Father through prayer, so can you! As prayer becomes a larger part of your life:
Our power to effect change in this world begins with prayer. Beyond yourself, when you pray, you build and strengthen bonds with other believers. Therefore, from January 3rd – January 24, as a community we will be devoting 21 Days to Prayer and Fasting.Together, we will pray for God’s leading in our personal lives, at Mosaic, and across the western suburbs of Minneapolis. One of the elements of 21 Days of Prayer that I am most excited about is the fact that as many as 1,300 churches and many thousands of people across the globe will be praying at the same time. Like Mosaic Church, these churches are part of the Converge movement, which starts and strengthens churches together worldwide so people can meet, know and follow Jesus. Imagine what will happen when churches across the United States and around the world focus wholeheartedly on communicating with our amazing God through prayer! We will kick off our 21 Days of Prayer together on Wednesday, January 3rd, with a night of acoustic worship and a time of prayer at my house from 7-9 PM. There will be no childcare, but kids who want to pray are encouraged to attend with their parents. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me or Pastor Nate if you have any questions about prayer or fasting! We are here to help train and equip you to become more like Jesus and to be a Spiritual Fighting Force for Good! Growing in the spiritual disciplines of prayer and fasting is a great next step in all of our discipleship journey! In this together, Pastor Erik
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November 2018