Hey Friends! I hope you are all having a great November so far! I want to keep you in the loop so here's what's coming up for Mosaic: This Sunday: We'll dive into Genesis 6-8 as we continue our series "Living A Better Story." Baptisms This Sunday! This Sunday we will celebrate the fact that God changes lives through His amazing grace by doing our first baptisms! It's going to be epic- you aren't going to want to miss it!! Child Dedications on November 15: Child Dedication is a time for you to dedicate yourself to Godly parenting. Of course, you won’t be perfect in this, but it’s a time for you to publicly dedicate yourself, to the best of your abilities, to raise your child in a Godly home. The dedication is a time for you to publicly dedicate yourself to this in front of your family, church family, and friends. It’s also a time for those friends and family to rally around you and support you in prayer. If you are interested in dedicating your child on November 15, please email Beth, our Mosaic Kids director at [email protected] Online Giving: I've had a couple of people ask about online giving. If you consider Mosaic your home church and would like to give back to God and support what He is doing through Mosaic, you can do that through our safe, secure online giving page: http://www.mymosaicchurch.com/give.html. We don't want anyone to feel pressured to give! But if you are like me and don't ever write checks and would like the option to give online, we've got you covered! Thanks friends! I'm SUPER excited for this Sunday!! Pastor Erik Comments are closed.