Lunch at the Lindeens: New to Mosaic? Your next step is attending our newcomer lunch at our house right after service this Sunday. It's a great chance to connect with other people new to Mosaic, get to know Kristin and me a little bit, and hear about Mosaic's mission, vision, and values. PLUS- there will be tacos! Need we say more?? RSVP by letting my wife Kristin know. [email protected]
Good Friday Service: With all the busyness of spring break and the Easter Holiday, we want to give you a chance to slow down, breathe, and reflect on God's great love for you. Please join us for a 7 PM communion service at Weaver Lake Elementary on March 25. We'll have childcare for infants-5 years old. Easter: We are so excited to celebrate our very first Easter together as a new church! We will be offering FREE PROFESSIONAL family portraits for every family that attends! PLUS- to celebrate this big day, we will be giving away some great gifts! Every elementary age student who comes will get a FREE T-SHIRT and every adult will receive a FREE TRAVEL COFFEE MUG. Who can you invite to come celebrate Easter with us? Pastor Erik Comments are closed.